Waking up every day (well - most days) striving to be the best parent I can be

and even if I'm not earning an "A," I'm finding the humor in every day moments

and situations.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The beginning

Being a Mommy was a life long goal for me and one that was difficult to achieve. Maybe that's one of the reasons that I want so badly to be good at it. Truthfully, I don't want to be good at it, I want to be great. I want to be seen as an amazing mom. In reality, I'm not as good at parenting as I thought I'd be. Turns out I'm frequently tired, chronically disorganized, not particularly patient and my kids would say I'm a bad driver. I'm a B+ Mommy striving for an A.

Today's examples to support my B+ grade -

My younger son loves TV and has to be forced to read. So, hoping to increase his love of the written word, I'm reading the book, "Shiloh" to him. I had never read it before and it is an absolutely wonderful book, one that we both are enjoying. However, instead of reading yeaterday, we spent our time together watching an episode of "Good Luck Charlie" on TV.

My older son completed a summer volunteer job and I wanted to celebrate that with him. He has a wicked soda addiction that we are always trying to thwart. So knowing that, I'm not sure why we celebrated by drinking huge sodas from Sonic, even though they were delicious and half price for happy hour.

At our house, we've got 2 girls and 2 boys like in many traditional households, but at our house, the girls are the mom's and the boys are the kids. Besides my own need to do this parenting thing well, I think I feel more presssure to succeed because I want to prove that a non-traditonal family can raise good kids.

My partner and I both hold jobs outside of the home, we've got the boys to raise, a dog, a cat, a huge mortgage. It's my version of the American dream.